Photo job for the Finnish newspaper Helsingin Sanomat about the match South Korea vs. Germany – Football World Cup 2018. Read the full story by Tiina Rajamäki here on See also here.
Finnish Prime Minister Sipilä visits Berlin | Finnish Embassy Berlin
On September 22nd, 2015, I was commissioned by the Finnish Embassy Berlin to accompany the entourage of the Finnish Prime Minister Juha Sipilä on his inaugural visit to Berlin as the official photographer for the Finnish government during this day. An exciting day it was indeed!
Mehiläiset viihtyvät Berliinin parvekkeilla | Helsingin Sanomat
“Mehiläiset viihtyvät Berliinin parvekkeilla” is an interview piece on urban balcony gardening in Berlin for Helsingin Sanomat ‘koti’. As part of it, I took some pictures of Yvonne Hiller ja Marcel Amsbeck in Neukölln, who quite enjoy their green balcony during the seasons. Commissioned by Pauliina Siniauer. Read the full story here.
Pasi Mäkelä | TONTTU performance
During the 48 Stunden Neukölln festival 2015 Finnish coreographer, performance artist and musician Pasi Mäkelä performed TONTTU, an intense and physical piece. The performance was part of the exhibition
curated by Niina Lehtonen Braun for the art space HILBERTRAUM. The exhibition was also part of the 48 Stunden Neukölln festival.
Commissioned by Niina Lehtonen Braun.
TV news standup for HS-uutiset |
Stand up video/camera for Helsingin Sanomat (HSTV) / HS-uutiset / Nelonen, see HS-uutiset 29.3.2015, Helsingin Sanomat Berlin correspondent Tiina Rajamäki.
Barry Marshall | Syöpä –
Barry Marshall, an Australian physician, 2005 Nobel Prize laureate in Physiology was interviewed by Satu Lipponen for for an expert story on Helicobacter Pylori on October 21, 2014. See the full story here.
Kirjeenvaihtajien lempipaikat | Helsingin Sanomat
Picture and Video for Helsingin Sanomat (HSTV), see Kirjeenvaihtajien lempipaikat: Tempelhof on Berliinin karu paratiisi.
Michael Rakette |
Tempelhof butcher Michael Rakette presents a traditional German Christmas goose. Read the full story here.
Sauna poetry |
Recently, shortly before Frankfurt book fair 2014, there was a spoken word ‘sauna’ event in Berlin, Prenzlauer Berg.
Finnish as well as local artist performed in front of a repurpoused fire truck which now serves as a Finnish wood-sauna.

Here’s a blog entry about it by Tiina Rajamäki (in Finnish).
The pictures below show Heli Slunga (Wikipedia) at that particular event. She’s an Oulu based writer and artist.

Soccer Fans on the Street |
Soccer fans in Berlin-Kreuzberg during the match Brazil vs. Germany on July 8, 2014 (see its Wikipedia entry).
Helsingin Sanomat correspondent Tiina Rajamäki wrote a short sports note on this, see
Berlin Street Artist |
Streetartist Tonino “Seph and the Streets” Roseno sometimes rides the U1 to Warschauer Straße and makes people smile with his disarming lyrics and energetic guitar play. Tiina Rajamäki wrote a “correspondent spring note” about him in Helsingin Sanomat here.
Berliini Kutsuu |
The ‘Oberbaumbrücke’ (Oberbaum-bridge) between Berlin districts Friedrichshain and Kreuzberg, shot from Treptow side, was commissioned by Finnish newspaper Helsingin Sanomat Berlin correspondent Tiina Rajamäki, who writes about her impressions on her blog Berliini kutsuu (Berlin calling).
The first blog entry of Berliini kutsuu is about the Tempelhof airport area, which nowadays is shut down and used as a public park, where you can find kite-skaters and cyclers, or people just enjoying the vastness of space.
Janne Räisänen |
Finnish painter Janne Räisänen lives and works in Berlin and Helsinki.
I had the opportunity to take some portrait shots at his studio for the
interview blog
Read the full story here.